FitFighter Pro Steelhoses


Product is Hand Crafted to order and may have a lead-time up to 12 weeks.

The Pro steelhoses are ideal for bulk and facility orders with custom options available. Place your order here.


5 lb LxW20"x2"
15 lb LxW30"x3"
25 lb LxW38"x4"
35 lb LxW38"x5"
40 lb LxW38"x5"


Reinforced Stitching

High-Grade Black Pro Steelhose

Brass Grommets for Resistance Functionality

This is your new home gym. A dumbbell, kettlebell, sandbag, medicine ball, and sledge in a single tool, Steelhoses and our iOS App training keep you strong and healthy at home.

The ideal jumpstart for your training, spanning agility and power applications, endless resistance options and fit for the gym, beach, or basement. We recommend starting with all Mobility exercises in the Movement Library, and begin working with cross-crawl, shoulder, and Climb Circuit movements to build strength fundamentals and metabolic conditioning.

Turn your hose into your ultimate resistance training tool using our brass grommets with carabiners on a cable column or a resistance band.

Sample Movements