Be Legendary in the Thin Air
This past weekend while in the Idaho Backcountry, 40 strangers gathered around a campfire listening to some truly Legendary people. Two of these were Brandon Lilly (@Brandonlilly3) and Bert Sorin (@bertsorin), both of Sorinex Exercise Equipment, speaking about the opportunity that we ALL have to Be Legendary and to live in the Thin Air.

We were lucky enough to hear about Brandon’s previous life as a professional powerlifter (and one of the best in the world!), and the up’s and down’s that come with it. It was incredibly inspiring to see this level of vulnerability from someone so powerful! Also, if you’re looking for some workout INSPO, he posts workouts all the time to his instagram. He’s an incredibly passionate, kind, and inspiring individual. Definitely someone you want coming across your timeline once a day to remind you to get your butt in gear!

Secondly, Bert’s speech, more focused on the leadership and history of Sorinex, was a story to which we all can learn from. He graduated from high-school and managed to walk on to the Track and Field team where he ended up becoming a 4x All-American. Another post is coming on this story because you can’t make it up!

PS- if you’re looking for home fitness equipment for your home gym, their’s is industry leading.
Being Legendary
The term that helps define Sorinex is one of simplicity. It doesn’t account for how much money you make, how big your house is, what kind of car you drive, the label on your clothes. It’s not the number of Instagram followers you have, the revenue of your business or the number of celebrities you get to hang out with.
Being legendary is a way of life. It’s the way that people talk about you when you’re not around. It’s the choice that you will do things the Right Way. The first step to become legendary is to set goals. These are your coordinates the guide you on the right path.
Once you have your goals, you can then hold yourself accountable to Brandon’s +1/-1 system. A +1 is taking you closer to your goal and a -1 it taking you away from your goals. Yep, that simple. We can’t all make a goal to run 100 miles next week, or to make 50 million dollars next year, or become the CEO of your company. But we can set goals that set us on the path to the things that we want.
What you eat, when you go to bed, finishing your workout, putting the shopping cart back, giving a compliment, listening, etc. These can all be +1’s. Doing the opposite of these are -1’s. All of these add up during the course of your day. At the end of it, did your day end up as a +1? Did those days add up to a +1 month? Months to year? Are you living a +1 Life?
The Thin Air
Sorinex’s identity is to Be Legendary and to do that, you have to operate in the Thin Air, or the air above the fray. While everyone else is worrying and gossiping about God knows what, you are focused on your goals. As you know, the more you grow, the higher you go. And the higher you go, the thinner the air. You are on top of a mountain and aren’t worried about the crap that others are. You operate on a higher plane, above all the BS. Use this visualization the next time you are almost sucked into gossip or something taking you away from your goals.
The idea that I use for my teams is progress over perfection. Are you moving toward your goals or away from them? Set goals, knock them out, set new, higher goals, knock those out, and keep going. The higher you go, the thinner the air gets, the more legendary you become and the positive enforcements continues to drive you forward! Nothing will be easy and it damned sure won’t be perfect. But as long as your growing, taking steps and bettering yourself, that’s all that matters.
Be your best, do your best, and live and love your best. You deserve it!
New Month, New You!
So, it’s a new month, right? If you’re ready to take that step you’ve been putting off for months or years, now’s the time to do it. Start today. DO NOT WAIT. NOW take 20-30 minutes and do the following:
Set 3 goals: 1 Personal, 1 Professional, and 1 for Fun. These are S.M.A.R.T. Goals- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound. Remember that these can be super small, super easily attainable as long as you are moving forward. Some examples below:
- Personal– I have worked out 20 times by August 31st, 2019 and have burned an average of 500 calories per workout.
- Professional– I have completed my website build and delivered it to my customer by August 31st, 2019.
- Fun– I have attended two braves (GO BRAVES!) games by August 31st, 2019.
Again, these may not translate to you, but maybe they can give you some clarity on what you want in your life. LET’S GET IT!