Mighty Mitts™ Rack Ball


Product is Hand Crafted to order and may have a lead-time up to 12 weeks.


Diameter3" or 4"


Utilizes First 4-Way Hole Design
Available in 3" or 4" sizes
Attach Directly to Base Camp, XL Series or Dark Horse Racks

Listening to our community and hearing the high-demand for easier to use grip strength development, the Sorinex Mighty Mitts Rack Ball was created. The Sorinex Mighty Mitts Rack Ball brings the functionality of grip strength development inside the rack. Attach to the front, rear, inside or outside of the Base Camp, XL Series, and Dark Horse Racks for variable function and storage. Utilize the Sorinex Mighty Mitts Rack Ball for trigger point myofascial and mobility work, as well. Allow more athletes than ever to train at one station, increasing the carrying capacity of your facility. The configurations and adjustments are endless. Limited only by lack of creativity. The Sorinex Mighty Mitts Rack Ball utilizes our industry First 4-Way Hole Design allowing all bars, brackets, and add-ons to be secured in any direction front to back or side to side. The Sorinex Mighty Mitts Rack Ball post goes all the way through the rack for the utmost security. Thus a new proven concept, room for constant growth, change and efficient training time. Forever changed is the “world” available to practitioners of Strength.

Sorinex Mighty Mitts Rack Ball (1)
